Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Signs pointing towards Morrigan

Before I went to bed the other night I asked if there could be a sign that Morrigan is in my life. I woke up the next morning at my usual time, 5am. I woke up, not to my alarm that failed to go off for some strange reason, but to the sound of crows. They were hanging out in one of the many trees outside of my house.
After getting ready to leave the house for the day, I stood at the door and asked for Morrigan to send me yet one more sign. I started walking to the bus stop and once I got there, I faced the yard opposite the stop and realized I was staring right into the eyes of two crows who were staring back at me.
Yes, crows are common in my area but I did take these as signs from Morrigan as they appeared on cue and it seemed directed towards me. Sure, some people may think me silly for taking these as signs but I'm going off of the feelings and thoughts I had surrounding the crows. Plus ravens and crows go hand in hand with Morrigan, it was just too perfect.

I fully believe that Morrigan is here and I fully intend on worshiping her. I have received no negative signs or omens regarding this and from the reading I did yesterday, Cernunnos doesn't even have an issue with this. That was my main concern surrounding a goddess coming into my life. However, I figured if it was meant to be then Cernunnos would have no issue with this.

I have been interested in many things linked with various Gods/Goddesses and pantheons, one thing I've come to learn is that somehow Cernunnos lets me know if I'm not on the right path or if I shouldn't attempt to make a connection with a deity.
I once began to look into Asatru. I even got as far as reading the Poetic Edda, a copy which I still have and won't be getting rid of, and I began wearing a Mjolnir. Every time I put that small Mjolnir pendant on I would have horrendous things happen to me. At first I thought, perhaps, Loki was messing around with me. Depending on what exactly you believe of Asatru, there are a few out there who worship Loki as a God. It's not unheard of at all but it involves a lot of chaos. As time went on I began to figure out that just maybe, Cernunnos was not happy with me. I was by no means ignoring him or pushing him away, but I don't think he was happy that I was trying to get into something else. He let me know it right away.
Once I stopped wearing the Mjolnir (which yes, I had cleanse in case anyone is wondering about negative energy attached to it) things returned to normal and even relationships that had been really messed up, were brought back to harmony.
I remember having a dream after I fully realized what was going on. It involved Cernunnos coming to me and just showing himself to me. He didn't talk, but I could feel as though things were at ease again. I haven't told anyone this story, not fully anyway. I usually stop at "I had bad things happen to me when I wore the Mjolnir." Why? I think it's because I find it embarrassing that I did something that went against my patron deity. Either way, Cernunnos isn't all light and love. He never was. He is just as dark and he will teach you a lesson in harsh ways when you really need to learn it.

At one point I thought, just maybe, Spider Woman (goddess) was trying to speak to me. I was having reoccurring dreams of a large spider who was a female, she would speak to me. I looked and searched for female deities that were related to spiders. Someone finally pointed me towards Spider Woman. I can't exactly explain what happened here but it really didn't feel right. Whenever I did research it just didn't do anything for me. I would lose interest fast.
I think this was another way I was shown that this was not the goddess for me and that she wasn't calling to me to begin with. Whether this was just a personal realization or if Cernunnos had been behind it, I'm unsure. It was, however, very obvious. I think what these dreams were telling me is that I really need to get over my irrational intense fear of spiders. When I say intense, I mean I freeze up if I see a spider and the funny thing is...I'm absolutely not sure why! The only thing in the insect world, or in the entire animal kingdom for that matter, that bothers me are spiders.
Snakes? No problem, they're cute and sweet!
Rats? I owned eight males as pets when I was in high school/early college and loved them to death!
Creepy crawlies? Hey! Look how cool they are!
Spiders? *freezes* ...OMG I'M GOING TO DIE!
Please don't ask me why, I honestly don't know. I can't stand them in my house more than anything else. Even those little yellowish/clear spiders that probably couldn't hurt you if they wanted to.
Despite all of this craziness, I actually have a favorite spider. How does one have a favorite spider when they're terrified to death of spiders? Because they're just insane.
I love wolf spiders. Yes, you read right, one of the only spiders that's aggressive enough to chase after a person when provoked is my favorite spider.

Back to my original point, wow I really got off track here, Morrigan is supposed to be in my life and I'm sure of that now. I still want to do as much reading about her as I can. There are two books that I really absolutely must get my hands on. One has been out for some time, I believe, and the other comes out in October. I will list these at the bottom of this page so you can just see the covers and look for yourself.

Thanks, once again, for reading and I hoped you enjoyed my attempt at humor in this entry :) If nothing else this entry shows just how crazy I truly am.


  1. Interesting reflections. And you are right, Cernunnos does not get jealous, but does tend to steer and guide us in the right direction.

  2. I know there are some gods or goddesses out there that can and do get jealous but Cernunnos certainly isn't one of them and I'm so grateful for that. But, I love very much that he will let me know for sure if I'm not going in the right direction :)

    Have you had similar experiences with him?

  3. nice tying together of some already-mentioned threads! i like when the explanations are found.

    that second book is about the Dark Goddess... need i remind you that you were born on a New Moon? in the moon-phase/goddess association pattern - after Maiden/Mother/Crone - the New Moon corresponds to the Dark Goddess. i'm pretty confident this is related to why you're meant to have a relationship with her.

  4. I remember how played with spiders when I was child. Hours were spent as I followed single wolf spiders across our yard, watching them speed up, stop, observe and consider the next move. I also knew every spiderweb around our house, keeping an eye on them, and, occasionally - when they seemed to have little hunting luck - intervening. I now regret the senseless (?) insecticide but I also recognise the spiritual allure.
