First off, let me just state that I'm now officially a member of ADF and am extremely excited about this. I'm currently awaiting the "package" that they send out to new members so I can read up and get started with the Dedicant Path study program. I am very determined to eventually become ADF clergy after I go through all of the proper training. This is my ultimate goal, send some good luck energy my way!
Now on to what I wanted to talk to about today after some serious thought. I want to talk about Tarot.
I love tarot cards, I love doing readings, and I love receiving readings. I honestly believe that tarot cards work and can be accurate. I believe how accurate the cards are depends on the person they're attached to and the person receiving the reading. Not only does the person receiving the reading have to be very open minded, but, the person doing the reading has to fully believe in their ability to use the cards.
I fully believe myself to be extremely accurate at using tarot cards, whether for myself or my friends, anyone whom I've read for has claimed that I'm very accurate. Why is this? Because not only do I believe in my abilities with using my tarot cards but I fill my cards with my energy. While doing a reading I also pull in the energy from the person receiving the reading so the cards will be specifically for the person the reading is being done for. I'm not going to explain my technique any further because I believe everyone should have their own technique. I'm sure many tarot books would advise against or be completely opposite of the way I read cards but it feels right to me and it's what gives me the best results.
I will explain how I become so connected to my tarot cards though so maybe you, my readers, can become just as connected with your own cards.
When I get a new deck, the first thing I do is cleanse them in either sage smoke or incense smoke, the incense being what I normally leave as an offering for Cernunnos. I say something along the lines of "cleanse this deck of any previous energy" as I hold the deck in the smoke, I'll turn the deck over and make sure every part of the deck is touched by the smoke. I'll even fan out the deck and make sure every card is touched by the smoke.
After this I asked Cernunnos for help in making this deck purely my own. This is part is up to your own interpretation, if you feel comfortable asking your deity for help with this, then do so. Only do it if your deity won't become offended, etc. I knew Cernunnos wouldn't be offended by me asking him to do this for me so I asked for his help.
For reference, I did these steps with my newest deck the Druidcraft Tarot by Philip Carr-Gomm, I did similar steps with my other two tarot decks and my one oracle deck. However I feel this time, because I had added some new steps, the end result is much stronger and the cards are even more attuned to me than previous decks.
After asking for help from Cernunnos I could "hear" this male voice in my head giving me commands, so to speak, and telling me what to do. At one point it said "leave cards outside in the sun." Of course I did this and waited for another cue to take the cards back inside. Sure enough, after about an hour, I "heard" the same male voice tell me to take the cards inside now. I then had an image pop into my head that I should simply hold the deck for a while. After another extended period of time, I received an image of putting the cards under my pillow and leaving them there until I had slept on them for at least a full night.
After all of this, I finally did my first reading, for myself. I chose the Awen spread that's listed in the book and received incredible results. I wrote down the spread and the cards that were in each position so I plan on setting it back up and taking pictures of it, which I really should have done in the first place, so I can share with you via my blog.
This was the reading I spoke of in my previous entry, I asked for guidance about Druidry and found that it is the right path for me. I also found that Cernunnos is in my future, he will always be with me and having the "Cernunnos" card show up in one of my future spots made me incredibly happy. This is how I know I'm right in what I'm doing, it was a really beautiful sign from him.
As you can see, tarot cards can be a very beautiful thing and they can be incredibly accurate. There are many people out there who do great readings but do keep in mind that while they are and can be accurate, keep a sound mind with the results. As many tarot card readers state, they are not a substitution for a doctor, a lawyer, or any other legal or medical practitioner. Both parties need to be protected and I just want to make sure people realize this.
I want to take this moment to spotlight a friend of mine who does readings and has extremely reasonable rates. She's a great person and I fully believe in her skills and abilities as an intuitive reader. She has a great site set up (which I will of course link to) and it gives information on how she does readings, how you can receive the best reading, etc. Please heed her disclaimers of course, they're there so she is protected and so the person receiving the reading is protected.
Her name is Jessica and you can find her site here.
I can certainly vouch for the accuracy in your reading given to me! Even after months I'm continuing to realize new things about it. You never did get around to photographing it though ;P
ReplyDeleteThat's quite a few steps you were moved to take with your new deck, I find it inspiring..
Awww, for some reason I thought I had photographed it!!!
ReplyDeleteI can go back and do that either today or tomorrow. I just hope I still have the message from that reading :(
Facebook decided to delete some messages from my inbox, including ones between you and myself. That may have been one that had been deleted....dammit!
If I can't find it and if you don't still have that message, I can do a new one for you with my new deck. You'd probably appreciate my new deck so much more than the one I initially used for you anyway.
I'd give you another reading regardless though, lol, so if you do want another reading let me know! The next few days will be perfect timing.
The maker of that deck is involved in the British Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids; another organization I belong to. ;) That is a deck I plan to pick up in the future. I have notebooks I keep of readings I do for myself; it is a great reference tool also for going back and looking at progress also.
ReplyDeleteI just recently switched over from the Daughters of the Moon round deck I've been using for 15 years to the Aleister Crowley Thoth deck; it's been calling me, but I had to wait until I was ready to take the plunge (HUGE difference, huh?). I believe as we transition through our spiritual growth, we acquire new skills and the tarot is one of those tools which can grow with us.
Yes he is! I was originally wanting to join that group but I really don't have the money right now. When I become more financially sound, I want to go through their training and belong to that group but until then...I can wish and hope :)
ReplyDeleteI love Philip Carr-Gomm btw, I love the work that he does and I love that he's currently the head of the OBOD. I listen to their podcast and it's so nice when he speaks on there :D
I also own the Druid Animal Oracle, I highly recommend that deck if you like oracles at all...or even if you don't! The book itself is fantastic and was written by Philip Carr-Gomm and his wife (just like the other decks they have put out.)
I want to own the Druid Plant Oracle some day soon, then (I think) I will have all three of the decks they have put out.
I know a few people who have and do use round decks although I've never seen one myself! Is it made from thicker material?
One thing I've noticed is older decks and round ones in particular (from what I hear) are made from thicker paper or feel thick almost like cardboard but sturdier. It makes me kind of sad that decks aren't made like that anymore. I want to have my decks forever and have it be something I could pass on some day.
"I believe as we transition through our spiritual growth, we acquire new skills and the tarot is one of those tools which can grow with us."
I agree with this 100% :)
"Facebook decided to delete some messages from my inbox, including ones between you and myself. That may have been one that had been deleted....dammit!"
ReplyDeleteArgh! Well I guess it's a good thing I reread them a few weeks ago. I'll go look on my end...
Ah, no, I still have all those messages! I'm going to reply to the old tarot message and you can tell me if suddenly the old message string is back for you. Otherwise I DID copy down the reading itself in a notepad file for reference.
"If I can't find it and if you don't still have that message, I can do a new one for you with my new deck. You'd probably appreciate my new deck so much more than the one I initially used for you anyway.
I'd give you another reading regardless though, lol, so if you do want another reading let me know! The next few days will be perfect timing."
Indeed, though I appreciate both decks! I'm *thinking* I wouldn't want the exact same question for another reading. I just get an odd feeling about asking the same thing of the same divination technique more than once, though some time has obviously elapsed (and it's a diff deck) so maybe. Since we need to get together anyway to exchange stuff, I think it might be a good opportunity for an in-person reading, plus I'd get to see the cards quite easily..
I have always thought tarot is fascinating . Do you have to have specific questions for readings or can you do them to just see if there are any messages for you?
ReplyDeleteDraco - I just sent a link to the photos for you. I created a new photobucket account, my old one was absolutely packed. This way I can just take pictures after every reading and have them if the person I'm doing the reading for wants to see them.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to ask the exact same question, I don't mind and I have no problem doing a reading on the same thing. You've waited a while and are further along now, it's not like you got the reading done and then wanted me to do another reading for the same thing right away. That I would have to say no to but I feel comfortable doing another reading on the same thing at this point. That first reading took place in November, according to facebook, so that's a decent chunk of time.
If all goes well and I have a few days off next week, I was going to see if you wanted to make the long journey to my house so I could give you a reading and so we could exchange things.
Garth - I can do either general readings (typically no question is formed and it's more of a "what's going on in my life?" situation) or I can do specific questions. I love doing tarot card readings and I'll quite often do general readings for myself or occasionally do specific readings with something in mind.