I've told you about the two different paths that I found and now I'm going to tell you how they came together. They aren't really all that different really and they came together really well. It just happened that I found them at different times, I think that made it easier for me in the end. I had a decent amount of time dedicated to nothing but my totem, Hawk, and the idea of Shamanism before I welcomed Paganism and a god in my life.
Today, I'm a Pagan on a Shamanic path. So, what exactly does this mean? Pretty much what I just stated, it's really self explanatory. I can't say I'm a Pagan Shaman because not only would I feel wrong saying that but it's also completely untrue. I'm not a Shaman, nor would I ever consider myself to be one. I don't have any classical training, I don't even have training from another person that's related to Shamanism. My training has come from books, has come from self-teaching, and has come from my teacher, Hawk. Hawk has taught me most of the things that I know how to do, the biggest one being how to journey. I knew about the topic of Shamanic journeying and it was always a goal of mine, I wanted to be able to do it very, very badly. I completely understood the concept and Hawk was the one who helped me understand actually doing it and the process. Unfortunately I don't have a drum, nor do I think I would have the ability to drum for myself and journey at the same time (not the best multi-tasker), so I had to purchase tracks of steady drumming. Lucky for me they actually make CDs of drumming specifically for journeying!
After meditating and talking to Hawk about how I was supposed to start journeying, and after having a number of dreams about the subject, I was finally going to attempt this for myself. I'm not going to go into details yet, that will be another post at some point. To make a long story short, mission accomplished :D
I've noticed when I journey I'm much more comfortable in the Lower World, I do journey in the Middle World on occasion but I have only made the journey to the Upper World once. I don't what to say it makes me uncomfortable because that's not true, but, I feel extremely comfortable in the Lower World. Now, I don't always feel this comfortable in the Lower World, I don't always experience positive things. Sometimes something doesn't want me to be there at all and sometimes I'm greeted with neutral feelings until I explain myself and why I'm there.
I have talked to Cernunnos while in the Lower World as well as in the Middle World, it's an "easy" way to communicate and I feel as though the connection is different than if I were to meditate and speak with him. Better is not the correct term at all, it's just the type of connection is different. I use both meditation and journeying to contact both Cernunnos and Hawk when I want to talk with them. Sometimes when I talk with them, I'm just talking, not about anything in particular. It may seem strange but I'd rather not just talk to either of them when I want something, I want to talk to them regardless of what is going on in my life. I think it's just a nice way to build a lasting relationship. I also leave offerings of incense every day (I'm getting better at remembering every day now) rather than when I ask for something or when I need something.
I'm trying to work on meditating daily, so far this doesn't seem to be working out well for me just because I forget or get really busy, but I'm making an effort. Meditation has helped me with a lot of things, I still have issues with ADD and meditation has helped me gain the ability of focus. Meditation has also helped me greatly with my severe anxiety.
I have really bad anxiety. I get panic attacks and I think I'm dying, point is, they're bad. I would get panic attacks several times a day, every day, every week, etc. It never failed, it was always like that and I'm not exaggerating that at all. This was when I was in high school. I started going to a therapist as well as a psychiatrist because I was prescribed Prozac for it. I was on a low dose, but I didn't want to be on the medication forever. My therapist taught me different relaxation techniques that helped out a lot. Those on top of making myself meditation often and work on my breathing really really helped. This wasn't an overnight change by any means. Now, 5 years after graduating high school, I still have the occasional panic attack but it's maybe once a week. That's a huge progress! I went from several times a day, every day to just once a week! I'm so proud of myself and I feel like I'm not afraid to live or to go out in the world. When invited out my first thought isn't "oh well...if I go to this place then I'm going to have a panic attack...can I really deal with that right now?" That feeling is absolutely fantastic. I owe that to my therapist and my hard work. Oh and I'm no longer on Prozac, I stopped that over a year ago.
I realize I didn't go into too much detail on how the paths crossed but as you can see they did. I use my ability to journey as a way to communicate with Cernunnos rather than just using meditation methods. I also leave incense for Hawk and I thank both Hawk and Cernunnos quite often. I have even though about making a secondary altar for Hawk. I want to have images of him on there and a dedicated places where I can meditate and communicate with him as well as a place to leave thanks for him.
My main altar (if I had one set up) would be for Cernunnos and I plan to make it very earthy. I do have a general altar right now, it's nothing to gloat about or show off but it is a nice altar and I enjoy it. My only complaint is that I just can't kneel in front of it, which I would love to be able to do. I'm also patiently waiting for the day when I can own a Neil Sims statue of Cernunnos. His image of Cernunnos is by far the closest image to how I see Cernunnos. I recommend that you go to eBay and do a search on Neil Sims and see his artwork. It will blow you away, absolutely gorgeous. I wish I had talents like that. If I could make statues I'd be making tons of them based off of my favorite gods and goddesses.
Yet again this is quite a long post so I'm going to stop myself there. If anyone has any further questions about how my two different paths came together, then I will happily answer them but for now I'd like to be able to stop here...I'm getting a little on the wordy side :)
Awww lol I didn't find that wordy! And I was expecting a bit more on how the paths crossed, but this was nice. What actually sticks out most to me is how the breathing and meditation helped your personal problems. Very inspiring to say the least, you have come a really long way.
ReplyDeleteFor whatever reason I didn't realize you actually sought out and spoke with Cernnunos in one of the worlds you visit. That seems very special indeed, I'm full of questions on all that but I'll wait to ask things one at a time.
It's interesting, and totally logical, that you don't feel you could drum yourself while trancing. I know I've read about people drumming for other people. Of course you do see indigenous shamans drumming themselves all the time. Maybe it's a skill you'll learn one day! I'm very interested in drumming, but would like to specialize in a different method for altered states if I can, so I can do it without needing someone else or extra batteries. It would be nice to link this with a staff somehow.
I'm also trying to get myself going on daily meditation, it's not easy. I think mainly it's because good meditation requires time, and at best it requires no time limits. I'm trying to make this happen in the morning when I wake up, before eating. Preferably before the Sun rises and during twilight. Not sure what would work best for you, I've noticed in general that intense spiritual work seems to be a bad idea for any time that you're likely to be sleepy, unless you're trying to influence the dreams of the coming night I suppose.
Great post, keep it up!
I was going to send you a message on pagan space but couldn't after I sent the friend request. I'm very curious about several things, 1. What's a wolf therianthrope? 2. Is Hawk a person? Or something else? 3. You've talked with Cernunnos? I'm fascinated. I'm not sure what journeying is or the 3 worlds you mentioned, I've not studied the Shaman path, but it sounds fascinating. Like you I'm self taught but I'm more like a celtic witch and I too am trying to find time to meditate every day but currently it's easier for me to read my tarot, but I've only been returned to paganism for a few months now so all in time. I do enjoy your blog though and it's very well done. ty for contacting me and giving me this opportunity.
ReplyDeleteTamara, Purple Dragon
I forgot, what is AODA? I googled it and it came up alcohol abuse and I don't think that's what you meant about furthering your celtic studies. Thanks for the help.
Merry Meet, my Friend! I commend, your returning quest, in reference to Druidry and starting a grove of your own! Wonderful! If it feels right, do it! I've followed this Rede for the twenty years, I've been a Solitary Practitioner of Witchcraft, of which ironically, goes throughout my family ancestral herirage in Scotland, as well as Shamanism, from my maternal Cherokee Nation Traditions. (Aunt Daisy was a Medicine Woman!) My faternal ancesters were Pagans & Protestants in Scottish Highlands. (Inverness) In reference to combining belief practices, my Mum is a Shaman/Witch, where I combine Shamanism and Buddhism into my solitary practitioning. The MORE, the MERRIER, I've always said! Nothing wrong with adding "Power-to the- Punch," so to speak. Whatever feels right, and works, I record into my 'Book of Shadows," in hope that my daughter taryn may find it of some positive use, when someday, I pass beyond the veil into Summerland. Blessed Be, in all of your spiritual endeavors, my friend! *)O(* Shar