Thursday, April 21, 2011

Druidry; ADF Dedicant Path

I have today off so I was going to try and at least do a short blog today but I can't seem to pick out any particular topic so I have a feeling this post will end up being a little random but we'll see where it goes.

First I wanted to talk about Druidry. I have been interested in Druidry for quite some time but was turned off by getting into after an encounter at work a few years back.
I was working the cash register at a grocery store, it was a pretty slow day at this point and I hadn't been able to talk to too many customers at this point. This guy came through my line, I'll skip the description of him, wearing a green shirt that had stonehenge on it and had some witty comment next to the picture. It basically implied that he was a Druid. So I said (in a nice way, promise) "Are you wearing that shirt because you like it or does it mean something to you?" and the guy, very snobby and stuck up expression, said "No! I'm wearing it because I'm a DRUID." This flipped my bitch switch on immediately and I responded with "Yeah? Well I'm a PAGAN so calm down! I was just asking." His facial expression changed instantly and he said "Oh! Well...blah blah blah." I honestly don't remember what he tried talking to me about at this point because I was irritated like you would not believe. I looked him in the eye and said "No, don't try to have a conversation with me now." He left with a pouty look on his face.
Let this be a reminder to people, don't flip out on someone for asking you about such things. I have met a lot of people who wear typically Pagan things (such as jewelry, etc.) who really only wear it because they thought it looked neat, out of those people I have met a few who are actually Pagans. Asking about such things is only a way of testing the waters. Unless you live in a community with a large Pagan community (which I don't) you can't just come out and say "I'm a Pagan! Are you one too!?"
That incident really turned me off to Druidry. I know it's extremely horrible of me to let one experience bring me down, I did the same thing with Cernunnos and Celtic Paganism. One person doesn't speak for the rest of the group and it only takes one person to make an entire group look bad. Please don't follow in my footsteps. If I hadn't let that incident affect me, I'd be much further along on my path now.

That being said I'd like to state that within the next few days I'm going to become a member of the ADF (Ár nDraíocht Féin or A Druid Fellowship.) I'm extremely excited about this. I was debating between a few Druid Orders and finally chose ADF. I'm going to go through their dedicant path (DP) and then make my way through a few of their guilds. I have my eye on four different ones and have requested help in choosing which one would best fit me. Although, I would love to move through and receive training from all four of them. But if I'm advised against that then I may just select two of them. I will talk more about that when I actually do become a member and I have to make that decision.

I'm very interested in becoming clergy in this group but I know that will take a lot of study and time, which I'm perfectly fine with and I know I can do it. I think it's something I really, really want to be able to do. Even if I don't end up actually using the information, I would love to have that knowledge and the ability to use it if the time comes. My ultimate goal was to become clergy and start my own grove, but I don't know if I would ever get to that point. I think it would be the first ADF grove in Iowa. I wanted someone to do that with me though and I just don't have anyone that I could ask to do that with me. I asked a friend of mine who is also on the Druid path but solitary. She respectfully declined and I respect her decision fully. But it doesn't stop me from wanting someone to go through this with me. So it seems I will be doing this alone.

Cernunnos guide me on this path, I will need it. I've already asked him to guide me on this and he has already given me guidance. When I first thought about this path I did a tarot card reading with my Druidcraft Tarot deck by Philip Carr-Gomm. I asked Cernunnos to guide my hand in this reading so I could get his input on the subject. Funnily enough he showed up in my reading, he was my future. The simplicity of that statement and imagery made me want to cry. It was beautiful. Cernunnos is part of my future.
While Cernunnos does take the place of the Devil in this tarot deck, the meaning of that is not the same at all. I just wanted to point this out in case anyone was trying to figure out why this excited me so much.
I know this is the path that I'm supposed to be on. It feels right to me and I'm not scared at all, I just want help from Cernunnos, I wanted to know if this is what he wants me to do. I wanted to know if this would make him happy and I think the main thought is "it makes me happy, do it."

Well this entry wasn't random at all! I'm surprised! I also hope everyone enjoyed it :) Thank you so much for reading!


  1. "Cernunnons, Lord, Sitter in the Doorway,
    God of Equilibrum who is terrible and merciful.
    You who hold the opposites apart and you who hold the opposites unite.
    My prayer goes to you...
    To open the doorway, to clear the threshold, and to make the way clear "
    -adapted from Ceisiwr Serith

  2. When you told me about that encounter with the druid a few months back, I didn't realize it turned you away from Druidry so much! It's nice you've found a way to come back to it, with how fitting it is for the rest of your path.
    Hahahaha "bitch switch" XD

    I have to say, ADF sounds, to me, much more interesting and favorable than the OBAD. I'm only going off a small bit of looking around but the difference between overview videos speaks a lot to me. I liked this one -

    Could easily just be what I *happened* to look at, but the OBAD seemed to be much less about connection with the gods and spirits and such, and mostly about personal and group practice. Of course both are great things! But since you're drawn to this by Cernnunos, somehow the ADF just seems to fit better.

    I wish you good luck with starting a grove. I think it's probably some time ahead of you yet, so who knows. Maybe it won't be where you expect and maybe you'll find someone to do it with by then.

    "I asked Cernunnos to guide my hand in this reading so I could get his input on the subject. Funnily enough he showed up in my reading, he was my future. The simplicity of that statement and imagery made me want to cry. It was beautiful. Cernunnos is part of my future."

    Yes, that is beautiful simplicity.
