Saturday, April 16, 2011

Images of Cernunnos

This isn't going to be a very wordy post at all. I decided that I'm going to post my favorite images of Cernunnos so the people who read this blog can get an idea of how I see him and the form he is in when I see him.

The artworks I'm about to show are absolutely NOT mine. They are from other artists and I'm going to give credit and provide links to their pages and their work. I just happen to love the stuff that they've done. I want to show everyone how I see Cernunnos and I would like people to take a look at these artists.

This first piece, I'm absolutely in love with. It's beautiful. I want to buy a copy of this piece and place it above my altar. This piece is done by Ionus on, click here to view more by Ionus

The next two pieces are done by Neil Sims and I'm desperate to own one of his pieces. I don't think I've ever wanted something material more than this. I must own one of his Cernunnos statues.

The first two photos are obviously of the same statue. There you see a full body statue of Cernunnos. The second piece (also by the same artist) is a bust of Cernunnos. I love both of these pieces and honestly would like to own both of them at some point. They're beautiful. Here's a link to Neil Sims eBay page.

Between the two artists you can put an image together of Cernunnos as I see him. The build is similar between the two images, however the elk like antlers in the first image are replaced with stag antlers similar to the second piece but larger. I don't see him with the second set of horns, however, I love this touch, it's really nice. I do see him with hooves and a furred lower half. Both of these images cover him up, however, when I see him he is not covered up at all. He does occasionally wear a cloak, similar to the one on the statue, but never anything to cover up his penis.

Hopefully this gives everyone a good idea of how I see Cernunnos. I personally think the gods and goddesses show themselves to each person differently, hence the different artworks of Cernunnos, but they keep important similarities (the antlers/horns, etc.)

I also hope everyone takes a moment to look at the other pieces of work that each of these artists has done. I think you'll enjoy them quite a bit.


  1. Very emotive and exquisite statues - thanks for the share - Alison

  2. good luck with it. I paid for a statue from neil sims over 3 1/2 months ago. So far, he has never sent it, never issued a refund, and has stopped communicating altogether. i can only conclude that his ebay store is a scam.
